
  • José Manuel Arrufat
  • Actuality

Images from the Conference

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  • Mª José Bastante Ceca
  • Actuality

Planning system for oral presentations

We want to inform you about the development of a Planning system for the organization of the oral presentations calendar for the 16th International Congress on Project Engineering.

The aim of this system is to inform to all congress members of the planned date for the presentation of their papers, in order to arrange their agenda in advance, while trying to achieve the maximum consensus.

For this reason, we ask you to complete, before the 15th of May, the questionnaire we have sent you by e-mail, indicating your preferences regarding the date of the presentation for your paper. The system will ask you the same questions 1, 2 or 3 times depending on the number of papers (to be presented in oral format, not as a poster), you have submitted to the Congress, in order you can indicate your restrictions of preferences in an individual way for each paper.

In you can find a general schedule of planned sessions for the Congress.

After the 15th of May, the Organizing Committee will begin to plan the sessions, trying to meet all the requests, as far as possible, and provided that organizational questions made it possible.

We remind you that the fact that you indicate your preferences regarding the date of presentation of your papers have just organizational effects, and it is totally independent of the final acceptance of the papers by Scientific Committee.

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  • Hits: 905
  • Mª José Bastante Ceca
  • Actuality

Term for sending full papers is closed

At this moment papers received in term are being evaluated by the Scientific Committee.

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  • Hits: 874
  • Mª José Bastante Ceca
  • Actuality

Extended deadline for the submission of full papers

We want to inform you that, after the request made to Secretary, and once consulted both the President and also the Secretary of Scientific Committee, it has been agreed to extend the deadline of full paper for the 16th International Congress on Project Engineering until next Saturday 7th of April.

The Scientific Committee has considered that days 5, 6 and 7th of April are nonwork days (it is Easter holidays in most countries), for the purposes of the communication to each reviewer about the papers which they have to evaluate. For this reason, the extension in 3 days of the initial deadline will not make any damage to the organizational schedule. The platform for the upload of full papers will be open during the indicated days and will be closed on Saturday 7th of April.

We remind you that it is essential that at least one of the authors (the presenter) of each paper is registered for the Congress, and also that each registered author can upload a maximum of 3 Communications (all for oral presentation, or all in poster format, or a combination of both). Only registered authors (and for this reason, congress members)will be allow to present communications at the Congress, and will obtain all the documentation.

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  • Hits: 1006
  • Mª José Bastante Ceca
  • Actuality

Deadline for sending full papers

We want to remind you that next Wednesday 4th of April is the deadline to send the full paper through the “Paper review system” platform. You will find the link to this platform on the website of the Congress (, in the section "Papers", by clicking in the section “Paper Review System”, or directly access by clicking here.

We remind you that it is essential that at least one of the authors of each paper is registered for the Congress, and also that each registered author can upload a maximum of 3 Communications.

Only registered authors will be allow to present communications at the Congress, provided that they have been identified as a speaker or substitute speaker of the paper at the platform. For that reason, we ask you for the updating of the information before the submission of the final version of the full paper (before 4th of April), as well as the formalizing of the registration, if necessary, before 17th of May.

Registration has to be made through “Long life Learning Centre” from UPV, and you can access directly to the link by clicking here, or also visiting the website of the Congress, in the section “Registration and Accommodation”, by clicking in the link which appears on the upper right side, entitled “Registration”.

You can also look up, in the sub-section “Accommodation”, the selection of hotels offered for the Congress, the prices of which will keep constant until next 8th of June. The reservation will be managed directly by Travel Agency of UPV, and you can contact them through This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., referring to the Congress.

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