
  • Mª José Bastante Ceca
  • Actuality

Deadline for sending full papers

We want to remind you that next Wednesday 4th of April is the deadline to send the full paper through the “Paper review system” platform. You will find the link to this platform on the website of the Congress (www.congresoaeipro2012.es), in the section "Papers", by clicking in the section “Paper Review System”, or directly access by clicking here.

We remind you that it is essential that at least one of the authors of each paper is registered for the Congress, and also that each registered author can upload a maximum of 3 Communications.

Only registered authors will be allow to present communications at the Congress, provided that they have been identified as a speaker or substitute speaker of the paper at the platform. For that reason, we ask you for the updating of the information before the submission of the final version of the full paper (before 4th of April), as well as the formalizing of the registration, if necessary, before 17th of May.

Registration has to be made through “Long life Learning Centre” from UPV, and you can access directly to the link by clicking here, or also visiting the website of the Congress, in the section “Registration and Accommodation”, by clicking in the link which appears on the upper right side, entitled “Registration”.

You can also look up, in the sub-section “Accommodation”, the selection of hotels offered for the Congress, the prices of which will keep constant until next 8th of June. The reservation will be managed directly by Travel Agency of UPV, and you can contact them through This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., referring to the Congress.

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