
  • Mª José Bastante Ceca
  • Actuality

Important information for authors

Acceptance documents for abstracts proposed for the 16th International Congress on Project Engineering are being sent.

From now on you can proceed to submit the full paper, through the same platform employed for the submission of abstracts (you can access directly by clicking here). Previously, on the website of the congress (www.congresoaeipro2012.es), section “Papers”, you may download the template that you must use for the document. Please do not fill in the name of the authors and the contact address; they must be empty, in order to keep the review process anonymous.

Remember that the deadline to submit the full paper finishes the 4th of April of 2012.


If the full paper is definitely accepted, you will have to upload the definitive version, with authors and contact address, as this last version will be the one that will be published on the Book of Abstracts.

Also we remind you that next 30th of January is the last day to obtain a discount on registration fees. Before that date you should pay 100 € per conference member registration plus 50 € per accompanying person. The rest of the registration fee should be paid before May 17th, 2012. Any registration after 30th of January will have to pay the ordinary fee. Registration has to be made through “Long life Learning Centre”, and you can access directly to the link by clicking here.

We remind you that it is essential that at least one of the authors of each paper is registered for the Congress, and also that each registered author can upload a maximum of 3 Communications (all for oral presentation, or all in poster format, or a combination of both).
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