
  • Ángela Paneque de la Torre
  • Noticias

ISO TC258 Meeting: Tallberg, Sweden

El Comité Técnico TC258 de ISO (Project, Program and Portfolio Management) se reunió en Tallberg (Suecia) durante los días 9 a 13 de septiembre. Michael Young, IPMA Liaison con el TC258, preparó un informe de dicha reunión del que a continuación presentamos un resumen en inglés.


IPMA’s representative in the ISO TC258 participates a an ‘A-liaison’ meaning it has not formal vote in plenary sessions, however the liaison may participate fully as a subject-matter expert in working or study groups.
During the introductory remarks by the Chair (Miles Shepherd, UK) it was noted that ISO21500 is the 5th highest selling standard in ISO’s catalogue.


The following P-member countries are in attendance: Argentina, Australia*, Austria*, Brazil*, Cameroon, Canada*, Denmark*, Finland*, France*, Germany*, Greece*, Japan, Netherlands*, Norway*, Portugal*, Romania*, Russia*, South Africa*, South Korea, Sweden*, United Kingdom*, United States*.
Note: * = IPMA member countries
The following A-liaison organizations are in attendance: IPMA, PMI

Work Undertaken 

The Tallberg meeting consisted of both plenary meetings and working/study group workshops. Plenaries were held on Day 1 (9 Sep 13) and Day 5 (13 Sep 13) during which numerous motions were considered.
Four study/workings are currently convened:
WG1 – Guidance on portfolio management
SG1 – Guidance on governance of projects, programs and portfolios
WG3 – Vocabulary
SG4 – guidance on the management of programs

WG1 – Guidance on portfolio management 

Convenor: Steve Fahrenkrog (USA)
WG1 is developing the guidance on portfolio management standard. The Working Group received 175 pages of comments and processed all 759 comments during the Tallberg meeting. Due to the maturity of the standard, a second Committee Draft (CD2) was proposed and has since been released. The planned release for a Draft International Standard (DIS) is no later than November 2014 and a Final Draft International Standard (FDIS) by July 2015.

SG1 – Guidance on governance of projects, programs and portfolios 

Convenor: Rommert Stellingwerf (Netherlands)
SG1 is undertaking a study into the governance of projects, programs and portfolios. During the Tallberg meeting a presentation was delivered by Prof. Ralf Muller, a leading expert in project governance. The remaining meeting time was spent discussing key concepts and refining the Study Report. A second draft of the Study Report was presented following the meeting.

WG3 – Vocabulary 

Convenor: George Jucan (Canada)
WG3 is developing a glossary of terms and an associated vocabulary. The intent is that the Terms Register will be made available by 31 March 2014 to other working/study groups in order to harmonise terms. WG3 held its first meeting in Tällberg and it intends to meet once annually with a target date for delivery of the Standard in 2018. Eight subject-matter experts participated in this working group.

SG4 – guidance on the management of programs 

Convenor: Reinhard Wagner (Germany) 
Study Group was approved in April 2013 and is currently reviewing literature and collecting definitions. Work during the three days consisted of reaching consensus on the definition of program and program management as well as the review of existing literature as well as defined the outline and scope for the draft standard. The objective of SG4 is to submit a New Work Item Proposal (NWIP) in May 2014 and upon approval commence work on the CD as a Working Group.

Future Meetings 

The next plenary meeting at which the IPMA Liaison will attend will occur during the period 8-12 September 2014 in Kyoto, Japan. Future plenaries have been scheduled for September 2015 (Netherlands) and September 2016 (Canada). 
Meetings have also been scheduled for working/study groups:
WG1: 3 – 7 March 2014 in London, UK
SG1: March 2014 in location TBD
SG4: 28 Apr – 2 May 2014 in Munich, Germany  

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