IPMA España

CEO for Real Estate – Hospitality Industry - Panamá

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ID           890

Puesto:                CEO for Real Estate – Hospitality Industry

Función:              Diversified development group at the forefront of Panama’s vibrant real estate industry and others with regional expansion. Start to run the concept regionally and source commercial opportunities for growth, expansion and competitive advantage within the target market. Lead the brand expansion into Latin America through a pipeline of projects to be developed:

4 locations in 2016, 30 locations in 2017 and 90 locations in 2018. Key player in the business development strategy: must provide direction and leadership for the development, implementation and monitoring of commercial strategies to lead expansion. Identify potential locations for leasing and development of projects according the brand profile and standards. Engage with property and project owners and conduct the due diligence process through the Market Research team. Negotiate and get the lease agreements on behalf the organization broadcasting to all players the vibe and concept of the brand (“sale the story”). Lead capital rising and expedite zoning approvals, managing relationships with government entities, banks and investors. Personally pursue and close key business opportunities “deal maker”. Oversee the planning, design and management of all strategic and commercial activities. Represent the brand at networking and business events: be the ambassador of the brand regionally. Maintain solid product knowledge and provide market feedback regarding competitive offerings, prospect needs and generate product development ideas.

Categoría:           Engineers

Lugar:   Panama City

Pais:      Panama

Empresa:            Real Estate – Hospitality Industry

Contrato:            Permanent

Experiencia:       Minimum 10 years experience in related positions. Business acumen and commercial experience in the development and management of hospitality and real estate projects. Proven track record of successfully pitching and closing new businesses in the hospitality and real estate industry. Industry know how of the main “game players” in Latin America.

Estudios:             Bachelor’s degree in Industrial Engineer, Civil Engineer, Business Administration, Finance or similar. MBA or Master’s Degree or similar.

Especialización: Real Estate – Hospitality Industry

Requisitos:         Bilingual – Spanish / English (ESSENTIAL). Excellent negotiation and closing skills. Producing output. Seizing opportunities. Convincing people. Interacting with people. Developing strategies. Pursuing goals. Generating ideas. Exploring possibilities. Articulating information.

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  • Visto: 2180
Asociación Española de Dirección e Ingeniería de Proyectos (AEIPRO) - Camino de Vera s/n - Universidad Politécnica de Valencia - Edificio 5J 2º piso - 46022 Valencia - España - e-mail: Esta dirección de correo electrónico está siendo protegida contra los robots de spam. Necesita tener JavaScript habilitado para poder verlo. - Tel.: 0034 963 879 172