IPMA España

VOLUNTARIADO IPMA: IPMA Research Coordinator (03.09.2018)

International Project Management Association (IPMA, www.ipma.world), a fifty years experienced international federation of project management associations is searching for a
research co-ordinator starting on 01.01.2019. As such you will support the IPMA worldwide research activities in project management. You will drive the execution and fulfilment of all research related products and services, supporting a team of volunteering professionals. This extends from increasing the visibility and advocacy of research in project management to the organisation of the annual IPMA research conference.

You are fluent in English and should have a profound interest in research activities related to project management. You have a fair knowledge of IPMA and its networks. You enjoy spending time working with experts, volunteers across the globe to understand their problems, and find innovative solutions for the broader research activities and their publications. You will work both virtually, interacting via web meetings and in face-to-face meetings with various stakeholders. The work will be carried out on a volunteering basis.


  • Coordinate the yearly realization of the Research Conference and Research Awards;
  • Coordinate research activities with world congress / regional congress organizers;
  • Preside over IPMA research awards ceremonies;
  • Organize monthly teleconferences or e-mail exchanges with project and process managers;
  • Collect, analyze and discuss project and process coordinators progress;
  • Promote all the research Awards and assist in finding applicants;
  • Manage the research activities in co-ordination with VP-Research
  • Submit project canvasses to the VP research for acceptance;
  • Submit a yearly budget proposal to the VP research;
  • Report every six months to the VP research and VP-Operations;
  • Select Jury members and obtain approval from the VP research;
  • Resolves research issues.
  • Encourage participation of IPMA officers /researchers at conferences such as EURAM and IRNOP


  • Timely execution of projects and processes;
  • Networking: contact MAs to motivate them to become involved in the research awards and provide applicants;
  • Assure financial and non-financial decisions according to a mandate from the ExBo;
  • Align research activities with the IPMA strategy 2025.


  • Represent research awards on the VP-level;
  • Establish and manage the budgets related to research activities;

Act in accordance with the IPMA Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct .

Please send in your application by 20th November 2018 to the IPMA secretariat (Esta dirección de correo electrónico está siendo protegida contra los robots de spam. Necesita tener JavaScript habilitado para poder verlo.)

The appointed candidate will start on 01.01.2019 for a period of 2-3 years.

We thank you for your efforts and commitment to IPMA and remain.

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  • Visto: 946
Asociación Española de Dirección e Ingeniería de Proyectos (AEIPRO) - Camino de Vera s/n - Universidad Politécnica de Valencia - Edificio 5J 2º piso - 46022 Valencia - España - e-mail: Esta dirección de correo electrónico está siendo protegida contra los robots de spam. Necesita tener JavaScript habilitado para poder verlo. - Tel.: 0034 963 879 172