
  • Ángela Paneque de la Torre
  • Congress


During the celebration of the congress, as well as the day before its start and the last day’s afternoon, series of workshops will be conducted, to be involved in deeper discussion of specific aspects of project processes and management. We aim at the delivery of knowledge and experience that will improve each participant’s activity. Each congress member should choose a workshop in which they wish to take part, and register for it. Take into consideration that that some of them occur simultaneously. After each one of them you will receive a specific certificate of the workshop, additional to that of the congress.

The workshops offered are:

1.             To the rhythm of the competences. This workshop will be developed at the venue, on Tuesday 5th of July, from 5 p.m. onwards. It is aimed at AEIPRO’s Young Crew members, as well as all young professionals that meet the requirements for being part of the Young Crew.

2.             Civil responsibility of Project Managers in the new legal framework. The main target of this workshop is to reflect on the civil responsibilities to be assumed as a project manager according to the current legislation, and the new possibilities in engineering practices. This workshop will take place on the 7th of July, from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. It is directed to both engineering professionals and those in charge of professional schools, and will try to handle in depth the legal aspects of professional practice.

3.             Rural Development and Cooperation Projects. Easy techniques for the qualitative evaluation of projects. Standard EFQM in the evaluation of cooperation projects. This workshop is organised by the GESPLAN Group from the Polytechnic University of Madrid (UPM). It is aimed at professionals in the field of cooperation projects, with the aim of going in depth into this type of projects and techniques. It will take place on the 7th of July, from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m.

4.             Project Manager Certification from the point of view of the company. This workshop will include the participation of practitioners from companies with certificated personnel, for them to tell their experiences. It will be an eminently practical workshop, where those in charge of the PMO, will show the advantages and added value of certification of professionals for organizations, career plans, tools to continue development and improvement of competences, etc. It will be held on the 7th of July, from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m.

5.             Past, present and future of AEIPRO Young Crew. This workshop will constitute a meeting point for young professionals who want to improve their capabilities through AEIPRO Young Crew activities. It will be held on the 7th of July, from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m.

6.             Risk Management in Risky Sports. Since the congress is developed in an area where there are possibilities of practising extreme sports like rafting, climbing, bungee jumping, canyoning, hydrospeed, etc., in this workshop these kind of sports will be explained and their risks will be analysed. There is the possibility of practicing during the weekend the knowledge acquired in the workshop. It will be held on the 8th of July, from 4p.m. to 6 p.m.

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