
  • Ángela Paneque de la Torre
  • Congress


The Scientific Program of the 15th International Congress on Project Engineering will focus its activity in the main work areas linked to Engineering Projects. In addition, monographic workshops will be carried out, with their programs detailed in the thematic workshops point.

The preliminary Scientific Program of the Congress is the following one:

WEDNESDAY 6th July of 2011:

9.00. - Accreditation and collection of documentation.

9.30. - Communication Sessions.

11.30. – Coffee break.

12.00. - Congress opening.

12.30. - Round Table: National power plan. Power plan of Aragon. Renewable energies in the territory and its management.

14.30. – Lunch.

16.00. - Communication Sessions.

18.00. - Visit to technological park WALQA.

20.00. - Official Reception offered by the Department of Industry, Commerce and Tourism of the Government of Aragon in the same technological park.

THURSDAY 7th of July 2011:

9.00. - Accreditation and collection of documentation.

9.30. - Communication Sessions and Posters.

11.30. - Coffee break.

12.00. - Round Table: Great projects for the advantage of the water in Aragon for the supplying and the irrigated land.

14.00. – Lunch.

16.00. - Workshops.

18.00. - AEIPRO General Assembly.

20.00. - Official Reception offered by the City Council of Huesca in the emblematic place of the city that opportunely will communicate.

FRIDAY 8th of July 2011:

9.00. - Accreditation and collection of documentation.

9.30. - Communication Sessions and Posters.

11.30. - Coffee break.

12.00. - Communication Sessions

13.00. - Closing of the congress.

14.00. – Lunch.

21.00. - Gala Dinner.

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