
  • Ángela Paneque de la Torre
  • Congress


The preliminary program for companions is as follows:

LoarreWEDNESDAY 7th July of 2011: In the morning, both the castle of Loarre and Reino de los Mallos winery will be visited. There, companions will participate in a wine tasting and elaboration workshop. In the afternoon, the city Cathedral will also be visited. The distance to be covered is 56km. The entire tour will be carried out by a complimentary tourist guide. They will attend WALQA official reception.

colegiataTHURSDAY 7th of July 2011: The morning will consist of a guided visit to the Colegiata de Alquézar and across the whole town. Lunch time will be at Alquézar, in casa Gervasio. The day continues with a visit to Radiquero and Bandalies to see how artisan cheese and traditional pottery are elaborated, respectively. The total distance to be covered is 120km. They will attend the City Council official reception

torreciudadFRIDAY 8 of 2011 July: The Sanctuary of the Virgen de Torreciudad will be visited, as well as the city centre of Barbastro, where they will have leisure time to know the city shops. Lunch time will be at one of the city typical restaurants. The total distance to be covered is 135km. Return to Huesca for gala dinner.

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