
  • Mª José Bastante Ceca
  • Actuality

Opening of the platform to upload communications to the 16th International Congress on Project Engineering

We want to inform you that it is already operational the platform of abstract submission to be submitted to the consideration of the Scientific Committee of the 16th International Congress on Project engineering. You will find the link to this platform on the website of the Congress (www.congresoaeipro2012.es), in the section "Papers", or directly access by clicking here. Remember that the deadline to submit abstracts ends on 13 January. Below you can find useful information for the process of registration and signup on the platform.

IMPORTANT: Instructions to enlist in the sending of abstracts/communications platform:

• To be added, the data of the person who signs up will remain as contact details for all communications sent by such person to the platform. Please note that to register a communication should be listed as author or co-author of it. DO NOT UPLOAD ANY COMMUNICATION WHERE YOU DO NOT APPEAR AS AUTHOR OR CO-AUTHOR, AS AFTERWARDS YOU WILL NOT BE ABLE TO PRESENT IT.

• The first time you access the platform, and you complete the registration data, you must wait to receive an e-mail of confirmation to your email address. Once received, the registration process will be completed and you may begin to upload your communications. If past ten minutes you still have not received your confirmation email, try also to log in into the platform, as even so it is possible that it works.

• If you detect an error, as for example sending any communication that should have been sent by another author, you must not send the same communication by another author, since that would lead to duplication of work and problems. Contact the administrator of the platform (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) or the Secretariat of the Congress (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) and indicate the data to change, and the administrator of the platform will change. IN ANY CASE, A SAME COMMUNICATION SHOULD BE UPLOADED BY TWO AUTHORS, OR MORE THAN ONCE.

• If you forget your password, please do not register yourself again, but also contact the administrator of the system or the Secretariat of the Congress and they will indicate it. DO NOT BE REGISTERED WITH SEVERAL NAMES OF USERNAME OR PASSWORD.

• Communications may be uploaded and presented in any of the three official languages of the Congress: English, Portuguese and Spanish.

• It will be necessary, regardless of the language selected for presentation, introduce both in Spanish and in English the title, the abstract and the keywords, separated by a semicolon (;). PAY ATTENTION THAT IF YOU SEPARATE KEY WORDS THROUGH A SYMBOL DIFFERENT FROM A SEMICOLON, THE SYSTEM WILL GIVE YOU AN ERROR.

• There is no difference of consideration established between oral communication and poster, except for the format in which it is presented because the topic advises one or another. When you upload the communication, you must select the format (oral or poster) for the presentation of your communication.

• It will be required the sending of written communication in both cases, following the indications of format and content prepared by the Scientific Committee, regardless of the selected presentation format (oral or poster).

• Remember that each registered author can upload a maximum of 3 Communications (all for oral presentation, or all in poster format, or a combination of both). DO NOT UPLOAD MORE THAN THREE COMMUNICATIONS IN TOTAL.

We finally remind you that it is essential that at least one of the authors of each paper is registered for the Congress, and that each author may register a maximum of 3 communications in total. The link for registration can be found in the section "Registration and accommodation", or directly access by clicking here. We remind also that next January 30 completes the deadline in order to register with a reduced fee, and after that date you will have to pay the regular fee.

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