AEIPRO Joven Workshop 2018: Agent-based modelling & Project Management

AEIPRO Joven organizes, within the framework of the International Congress of Project Management and Engineering, a workshop designed for the youngest group of the association. This year, it focuses on a tool that is beginning to gain support in the field of project management. It's about agent-based models.
Agent-based models are a tool that allow you to explore the complexity of the relationships between different elements. They have been applied in various fields such as quantum physics, social sciences and, of course, project management. The workshop aims, not only to raise awareness of the theory of this tool but to create a work space where attendees gain experience in its application. As a novelty, this year the workshop is open to the general public, without age restriction.
Internationally, the workshop has partners of such renowned reputation as Colorado School of Mines (United States), Tohoku University and Kyushu University (Japan), the host university of the congress,UNED, and research centers belonging to the Alcoy Campus of the Universitat Politècnica de València and INSISOC Social System Engineering Center (University of Valladolid). BPMsat sponsors the event.
The Workshop will take place on July 10 from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. at the UNED Madrid Pias School, Calle del Tribulete, 14, 28012 Madrid. Registration will be open until June 26 and is free for all AEIPRO Joven members who attend the congress. There are reduced rates for other groups that include material, coffee and food.
There are limited spaces! * Prior registration is required *
Free for Young AEIPRO members attending the CIDIP 2018 congress
€ 25 for AEIPRO Youth members without conference attendance
€ 50 for other congress attendees and members of any of the entities collaborating with the event
€ 75 for other attendees