
Are you presenting in English?

Our online ICPME2020 is English friendly! All presentations in English will be on a special stream in our agenda. You are more than welcome. 

Please, consider the following:

  • There is a guide with all specifications for creating and submitting your presentation here. Both types of presentations, oral and poster, are described. 
  • There is a short video on how to use PowerPoint to record your presentation here. It is just a suggestion, you can use any other software like ActivePresenter, Camtasia or Screenomatic to record it. 
  • The document regarding image rights is mandatory. You can find the English/Spanish version here ready to fill, sign and submit.
  • Templates for oral and poster presentations are available.
  • Remember: the deadline for submitting all your material is June 26th.

Keep informed in our website and social media @UPVCampusAlcoy #ICPME2020 #CIDIP2020

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