Moving forward professional competences in Project Management

About us

AEIPRO is a non-profit association whose goal is to promote excellence in the profession of Project Management and Engineering. 
AEIPRO was founded in 1992 with the aim of developing and promoting the Project Management profession. 

AEIPRO’s main objectives are:
• To provide a platform for project managers to network and share information
• To provide up to date information and extensive networking opportunities
• To actively promote the Project Management profession
• To enable project managers to share ideas and take active part in the progression of project management.
• To identify and define the needs that affect project management performance
• To play a leading role in decision making on issues related with Project Management

The association also encourages its members to present their professional experiences in symposia and conferences. In our everyday work generally we do not adequately document our activities. We have difficulties in presenting what we did in a particular project two years ago. Elaborating a presentation or paper is a good opportunity to reflect on the topic, to gather information and analyze it in detail. In a society so accelerated as this is, it is essential to reflect on our past experience and use this information as feedback for future action. It is important to alternate action with reflection on the already done. To this reflection may contribute what comes from our environment, the experiences of other professionals and the opinions that our ideas generate in our colleagues.




International Congress on Project Management and Engineering

International Seminar on Project Management

The IPMA four level certification program is world leading and professionally demanding.

By the end of 2015 there were approximately 250,000 IPMA certificants worldwide; nearly 75,000 of them are Advanced Competence-based, professionally-assessed certifications in IPMA’s 4-L-C, Four-Level Certification system.

These include IPMA Level A (Certified Projects Director), IPMA Level B (Certified Senior Project Manager) or IPMA Level C (Certified Project Manager). These certificates are noteworthy, as the demand from executives, strategic leaders, managers and stakeholders for individuals with demonstrated Project, Programme and Portfolio Management competence spreads globally.

Certify organizations with IPMA DELTA®

IPMA Delta offers organisations a decisive advantage. This Delta Effect opens up a new dimension through which organisations can increase their competitive edge. It adds measureable value and positive change. For the first time, the entire organisation (O) – including individuals (I) and projects (P) – can be certified for organisational competence in managing projects.
The model used for IPMA Delta assessments consists of three modules based on leading project management standards: IPMA Competence Baseline, IPMA Project Excellence Model and IPMA Organisational Competence Baseline. IPMA Delta assesses the current status of an organisation’s organisational competence in managing projects and the delta to a self-determined competence class (IPMA Delta competence classes 1-5). This delta points the way for the organisation to move to the next dimension of organisational competence in managing projects. This assessment is offered by the world leader, the independent and neutral project management organisation, IPMA. The investment in time, internal resources and cost remains surprisingly low throughout the entire process.
Use the Delta Effect to boost the success of your project management
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